This month we’re thrilled to feature our partner Julia Fry, Founder and CEO of Puretergent (Oakland, CA). Family Laundry uses Puretergent to wash almost 100,000 lbs of laundry every month!

What is Puretergent?
Puretergent manufactures herbal laundry, dish & hand soaps, and cleaning products that are certified 100% biodegradable and grey water safe in refillable packaging. We're woman-owned, invented all our formulas, blend them by hand at our warehouse, and practice circular distribution to all our customers.
When and why did you start this company?
I started Puretergent in 2010 because I wanted to feel clean fabric without chemical residue. I'm a textile junkie, love vintage fabrics, hand knits, crisp poplin, linens, chunky canvas and denim, and soft vintage T-shirts. I want to feel the actual hand of the fabric, with no chemical residue or fake scents. Puretergent uses pure herbs for cleaning, without synthetic perfumes or softeners, or harsh ingredients that wear fabrics down over time.

Where are your products sold?
Our products can be found in local refill stores like Re-Up in Oakland, Fillgood in Berkeley, Source Zero in San Jose, and Resourceful in Lafayette. Ace Hardware in Moraga carries our laundry soap, MudPuppy's in Richmond washes all their dog grooming laundry with Puretergent, and Blue Skies child care centers clean with our All Purpose Cleaner. You can also buy our products on our website.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I like to hike, garden, cook, and sew stuff for my family - there's always a list of things they want me to make them. My husband is a chef, so our dish soap has to clean lots of dirty pots and pans!